Évènements Évènement
LibelléDébut d'une longue série de réunions à Genève du Conseil des Ministres des Affaires Étrangères (CMAE) des quatre anciens alliés sur les questions relatives à l'Allemagne et à Berlin, en présence d'observateurs de la RFA et de la RDA
Date (début)11/05/1959
SynopsisLa CMAE se déroule en deux parties, la première du 11 mai au 20 juin, la seconde du 13 juillet au 5 août, date à laquelle elle est ajournée sans qu'une nouvelle réunion ne soit planifiée.

In 1959 tension over Berlin led to another foreign ministers' conference in Geneva. The Western powers insisted that a German peace treaty be signed only after Germany was united through free elections; that the four-power occupation of Berlin be maintained until Berlin again became the capital of a united Germany; and that any European security plan be linked to progress in German reunification. The Soviet Union proposed that West Berlin be transformed into a demilitarized free city; that separate peace treaties be signed with the two German regimes; and that a zone be established in Central Europe within which arms and troops would be limited or banned.

In June, 1972, however, the foreign ministers of the four powers did sign a comprehensive agreement on Berlin, worked out over the previous two years. It regularized West Berlin's status and its relationships with East and West Germany and paved the way for East and West German entry into the United Nations and the normalization of relations between the two German states.

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